@perawallet/connect is a JavaScript SDK for integrating Pera Wallet to web applications. You can use this SDK to connect to a dApp, sign transactions, etc. using Pera Wallet.
@perawallet/connect is maintained by the Pera Team. For more detailed information you can read this document or the GitHub readme.
Let's look at how we can connect Pera Wallet to our dApp using **@perawallet/connect**. We will use React for these examples, but you can also use **@perawallet/connect** with other frameworks. For this, you can take a look at the example applications section. Let’s start!
typeAlgorandChainIDs=416001|416002|416003|4160;constperaWallet=newPeraWalletConnect({// Default chainId is "4160" chainId:"416001"});
It's enabled by default but in some cases, you may not need the toast message (e.g. you already have signing guidance for users). To disable it, use the shouldShowSignTxnToast option:
3. Create connect example button for wallet connection:
functionApp() {// Store account address which is connected dApp with Pera Walletconst [accountAddress,setAccountAddress] = (useState < string) | (null>null);// Check app is connected with Pera WalletconstisConnectedToPeraWallet=!!accountAddress;return ( <buttononClick={ isConnectedToPeraWallet ? handleDisconnectWalletClick : handleConnectWalletClick }> {isConnectedToPeraWallet ?"Disconnect":"Connect to Pera Wallet"} </button> );}
4. Create handler methods for Pera Wallet connection:
functionhandleConnectWalletClick() { peraWallet.connect().then((newAccounts) => {// Setup the disconnect event listenerperaWallet.connector?.on("disconnect", handleDisconnectWalletClick);setAccountAddress(newAccounts[0]); }).reject((error) => {// You MUST handle the reject because once the user closes the modal, peraWallet.connect() promise will be rejected.// For the async/await syntax you MUST use try/catchif (error?.data?.type !=="CONNECT_MODAL_CLOSED") {// log the necessary errors } }); }
We use them in the onClick event of the button that we created in the previous step. If there is an account connected to the dApp, we use the handleDisconnectWalletClick() function, if there is no account connected, we use the handleWalletConnectClick() function.
5. If you don't want the user's account information to be lost by the dApp when the user closes the browser with with the wallet connection to the dApp, you need to handle the reconnect session status. You can do this in the following way:
useEffect(() => {// Reconnect to the session when the component is mountedperaWallet.reconnectSession().then((accounts) => {// Setup the disconnect event listenerperaWallet.connector?.on("disconnect", handleDisconnectWalletClick);if (peraWallet.isConnected &&accounts.length) {setAccountAddress(accounts[0]); } }).catch(error) {console.log(error); }; }, []);
After these 5 steps, you can use your dApp making new transactions with Pera Wallet 🎊. Your App.tsx file will look like this.
import {PeraWalletConnect} from"@perawallet/connect";// Create the PeraWalletConnect instance outside of the componentconstperaWallet=newPeraWalletConnect();functionApp() {const [accountAddress,setAccountAddress] = (useState < string) | (null>null);constisConnectedToPeraWallet=!!accountAddress;useEffect(() => {// Reconnect to the session when the component is mountedperaWallet.reconnectSession().then((accounts) => {// Setup the disconnect event listenerperaWallet.connector?.on("disconnect", handleDisconnectWalletClick);if (accounts.length) {setAccountAddress(accounts[0]); } }); }, []);return ( <buttononClick={ isConnectedToPeraWallet ? handleDisconnectWalletClick : handleConnectWalletClick }> {isConnectedToPeraWallet ?"Disconnect":"Connect to Pera Wallet"} </button> );functionhandleConnectWalletClick() { peraWallet.connect().then((newAccounts) => {// Setup the disconnect event listenerperaWallet.connector?.on("disconnect", handleDisconnectWalletClick);setAccountAddress(newAccounts[0]); }).reject((error) => {// You MUST handle the reject because once the user closes the modal, peraWallet.connect() promise will be rejected.// For the async/await syntax you MUST use try/catchif (error?.data?.type !=="CONNECT_MODAL_CLOSED") {// log the necessary errors } }); }functionhandleDisconnectWalletClick() {peraWallet.disconnect();setAccountAddress(null); }}
Using with React@18
When you want to use @perawallet/connect library with React 18, you need to make some changes. react-scripts stopped polyfilling some of the packages with the react-scripts@5.x version. After creating a new app with npx create-react-app my-app or in your react application, the following changes should be made.
2. After that you need to override some webpack features. Create the following file in the root directory of the project and copy the following code block into it.
Starts the sign process and returns the signed transaction in Uint8Array
Signing Transactions
@perawallet/connect also allows signing transactions using the Pera Wallet application. Once the signTransaction method is triggered, if the user is on a mobile browser, the Pera Wallet app will be launched automatically. If the browser blocks the redirection there's also a popup that links to the Pera Wallet app. There's an option called shouldShowSignTxnToast to disable it, see the example below:
You can also call the closePeraWalletSignTxnToast function to hide the toast.
import {closePeraWalletSignTxnToast} from"@perawallet/connect";// ...Business logic// Close the toast messageclosePeraWalletSignTxnToast();
signTransaction accepts SignerTransaction[][] the type can be find below:
import {Transaction} from"algosdk";exportinterfaceSignerTransaction { txn:Transaction;/** * Optional list of addresses that must sign the transactions. * Wallet skips to sign this txn if signers is empty array. * If undefined, wallet tries to sign it. */ signers?:string[];}
You have to follow these steps to a sign transaction.
Please follow our brand guidelines when using @perawallet/connect in your dApp. To download our Media Kit that includes useful assets such as the official Pera logo, App images, roadmap, and official links, please visit our website.